These days having a skin care routine is a must. But in order to start building your skincare arsenal you need to know what type of skin you have in order to buy the right products for your skin. The four main skin types are: normal skin, oily skin, combination skin and dry skin. It is important to identify what type of skin type you have in order to make the best skincare decisions.
Normal skin is a well-balanced skin type that is neither too dry nor too oily. Normal skin is less prone to breakout and the skin’s texture is generally smooth with minimal skin problems
Oily skin produces excess sebum which results in a greasy appearance. The excess production in oils tends to clog pores making oily skin prone to breakouts
Combination skin is combination of oily and dry skin. The t-zone are is usually oil, while the cheeks are dry or normal
Dry skin is dull looking skin that is usually rough and flaky due its minimal production of sebum. Dry skin can feel tight and can be itchy and irritated due to excessive dryness
How to figure out your skin type
There are one of two ways that one can test at home the type of skin they have. The face washing techniques and the blotting method
Face washing technique
Wash your face with a gentle facial cleanser, then pat dry. Wait for 30 mins before applying any product to see how your face reacts. If your whole face looks shiny, chances are, you have oily skin. If your face looks dull and feels tight, you most likely have dry skin. If your t-zone is shiny and your cheek area is dry, you have combination skin. You have a normal skin type if your skin is not too oily, nor is it too dry.
The blotting method
Place a blotting sheet (or paper towel) on several areas of your clean face and then hold it up to the light to see if there are any oil stains on it. If the blotting sheet has excess oil from all areas of your face, it means that you have oily skin. Should the blotting sheet have minimal oil, it likely means that you have dry skin. Oil stains from your t-zone likely means that you have combination skin. If you see a small amount of oil stains, it means you have normal skin
Now that you can figure out what your skin type is. You are in a better position to get started on building that skincare routine